Life Is Your Journey               

Being grateful for all of the obstacles in your life is vital. These obstacles strengthen you as you continue with your journey. This life is your own with no apologies and no excuses. No one to rely on, lean on, or blame. The gift of life is yours-- and life is an amazing journey. You are, alone, responsible for the quality of your life. The past cannot be changed, forgotten, changed, edited, or erased. The past can only be accepted. So, keep onward with your journey through life, with smiles in your heart and looking ahead with optimism.

Deborah Tindle's Journey

Twitter Add-on

Twitter is changing. As of June 11, 2013, Twitter will no longer support this Add-on as it is currently configured. To continue using Twitter on your website, click on the cog to include the required Twitter widget information. You will need to create a widget via your Twitter account settings on Twitter's website and paste that code into the cog options on this add-on.